Congratulations to Teatro's Executive Director
From the desk of Sulema J. Silva, Teatro Board of Directors President- On behalf of the Teatro De Artes De Juan Seguin Board of Directors, it is with great pride that we announce that Teatro’s Executive Director has earned the title of, Dr. Yvonne M. De La Rosa. She successfully presented, A Dissertation on a Celebration of a Mexican America Community (Dissertation Defense). As a reflective practitioner and committed researcher seeking to understand and create sustainable change in her community, it was her responsibility and deliberate choice to study Teatro’s development. Through this research, she explored the struggle and resiliency of the Mexican American community in Seguin as they attempted to maintain, teach, and celebrate their Mexican American roots, customs, knowledge, and celebrations through community education. It was through Dr. De La Rosa’s determination and focus that she honored Teatro’s work of nearly 40 years by sharing it with the world of academia and beyond. Dr. De La Rosa now joins the .03% of Latinas who have earned a PhD. Congratulations, Dr. De La Rosa, from your Family at Teatro De Artes De Juan Seguin! #VivaTeatro39 #GrowingLeaders #PhDLife #Doctora