Teatro officially kicks off the Madrina and Padrino Program that will help solicit donations from the community to help furnish students with scholarships to participate in Teatro’s Ballet Folklorico De La Rosa and/or Mariachi Juan Seguin classes free of charge.
Donation of $300
Monthly tuition is $30 (Sept. - April) 1 hour of master instruction per week
Pays for one year of tuition for 1 Ballet Folklorico or Mariachi Student
Donation of $150
Monthly tuition is $30 (Sept. - April) 1 hour of master instruction per week
Pays for half a year of tuition for 1 Ballet Folklorico or Mariachi Student
and parent/guardian pays the other half
Donation of $75
Helps purchase Ballet Folklorico and/or Mariachi Accessories
(Vestuario Earrings, Tocados de Folklorico, Mariachi Ties, Palicates, etc.)
Donation of $25
Pays for 1 student's annual registration fee
For those of you all who are able and willing to make a financial contribution please consider making a tax-deductible contribution to Teatro De Artes De Juan Seguin's Madrina and Padrino program. Checks, cash, are card are accepted. If you are wanting to pay over phone please call us on Tuesday, August 8 and Wednesday, August 9 between 5:30PM-7:00PM.
made out to Teatro De Artes
mailed to 921 W. New Braunfels St. Seguin, TX 78155
can be dropped off at Teatro's Cultural Arts Center
August 8 or August 9 5:30PM-7:00PM
@TeatroDeArtesJS last 4 digits of phone # used 5985
please make sure to donate $5 over the amount of your donation to cover what PayPal deducts
Upon receiving your donation, Teatro will complete and send back a tax contribution form for your records. Also please let us know if you would like to receive additional information about our upcoming events and news by subscribing at the bottom of the homepage. We would love to keep you informed!
As history documents, we are a highly visible, active, and respected community-based organization. Here is your chance to help us continue to do this important work for many more years to come. Our success has, in large part, always been accomplished thanks to individuals like you. If you have questions do not hesitate in contact us via email teatrodeartes@yahoo.com or by phone 830-401-0232.